January 30, 2012


Hold Me Down And I'll Take Care Of Us For The Rest Of Our Lives....

  Though most may think holding a person down has much to do with monetary support, this statement has little to none to do with finances.  It's more of an emotional thing.  Be that support system, that uplifting person that your special one needs and I guarantee that person will go to the end of earth for you.  Ladies, cater to your man... I mean you guys follow everything else Beyonce says, so why not that too. 

So many men along with myself are guilty of calling women crazy.... well, to us men women are.  Men are simple, women are complex.  We don't understand their thoughts so we think they're crazy although we love them so much.  Ask a man a question and you will get an answer, what that answer means is exactly what he said no more to it.  Now ask a woman "what's for dinner" the response may be "whatever I cook" or "you're lucky if I cook".... ladies stop laughing, you know this is true!!!

Men, we also need to cater to our women. It's a little different though... instead of tuning her out when she's talking about Latisha the beautician, listen to her because something that Latisha said is going to come back up.  For some reason women get very angry when you don't remember what she said in a conversation.  Catering can also consist of going to Target or Walmart with her... just go, act interested while you're there too.

Now if each person holds one another down, then the tension is to a minimum.  Both of you guys are always looking out for the other's best interest in every aspect.... Just my thoughts.

 Have A Blessed Day


  1. In a perfect world, all that you said should be true. However, so many women hold their men down only to be trampled on. My advice, guard your heart and tread carefully.

  2. Are you saying that nothing I said holds weight?? Also your comment seems to suggest that women are the only ones that tend to get hurt in relationships....

  3. I'm not saying that what you said does not hold any weight. I feel as there is so much more to the equation and it is not as simple as it may seem. I know that men get hurt as women do, and I'll be the first to admit that I have caused my fair share of pain. I just don't believe in forever and I won't until I see that it still exists. My personal feelings though.
