March 7, 2013

The Minds Of A Gemini On Social Sites

  So often it is suggested to me that I should write a book or get back to blogging when commenting on social sites. I have even had an author friend stay on my heels about starting my outline. Honestly, there is so much on my mind at all times that I wouldn't know where to begin. As far as the blogging goes; I was more so sharing music, fashion and my honest thought of that morning. These topics are my loves in life but not exactly my make up of my life. I thrive off of experiences. 
  A little background of myself includes being a father, son, brother and a business man. I'm sure you may know someone who also quotes that line from Jay-Z stating they too are a "Business Maaan." If it seems profitable and brings forth growth personally for me, then where do I sign up? As far as business, I have been an auto mechanic by trade and an entertainment manager by blessings. Life is constantly evolving and with each opportunity I do the same. I'm taking this opportunity to enlighten others on my perspective from past or present experiences. 
  In my experiences with social sites, there has been much that others relate to and much that I can only appreciate. Social sites get so much flack for exposing certain elements of a person or even ruining relationships. How a person is on these sites are not necessarily the actual values a person may possess, as often times the text may not deliver the way intended. Some seek attention while others are very driven to give it. I once posted the question 'Who's thirstier, the woman half naked posing or the two hundred guys that left comments?' I believe people are who they are without the help of others or these sites. Of course some present themselves to be a certain way, but people also do the same in person. Social media has helped me tremendously with certain aspects of business, therefore I tip my hat to those that took their idea and created such sites. 
  Social sites are great networking and business tools when used wisely. Social networking sites like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter can be an effective way to market events, products and public presentations. These sites can also be helpful in selling your art work, posting performances, engaging in discussions with audiences and fans, along with research and development for new opportunities and ideas. Different sites have different purposes, users and functionalities. 

This of course is my perspective, now enjoy that of my friend Sonja. 

Oh wow after an in depth intro like that,where do I begin? Lol 

  Much like my friend Esco I too have been told plenty of times to put thoughts on paper or on a blog for others to see. My mind is like an ever changing puzzle, the piece that fit yesterday may not tomorrow. I'm always thinking of the next step, sometimes so much that I don't fully enjoy the now. 
  I'm a college graduate(currently pursuing a master's degree) who's working toward the ultimate goal of opening my own group home. My passion for helping those who can't help themselves pushes me to constantly remain humble and do what I can to help whenever I'm able. Young black girls hold a dear place in my heart because the "world" doesn't allow us to see how great we truly are. The days of "ladies being ladies" have vanished into thin air. Long gone are the times where girls jumped rope, played with dolls and shooed little nosey boys away. I'm only one person but every opportunity I get to empower our babies and even our adults, I will! 
  Social media does have it's good qualities. I have reconnected with friends I haven't seen since grade school, old crushes I parted ways with many moons ago lol and family I have never met. But for every good thing, there has to be some bad(way of the world). Plenty of these sites have placed people on unrealistic pedestals and given folks this false sense of entitlement. "Likes" have become the new age "yes men". It's given those who don't have a strong sense of self the validation they seek not knowing it can only be found WITHIN self. 
  I mean don't get me wrong, we women ALL have posed seductively in pics whether you tooting it for the camera or showing some cleavage but if more than half of your photos show this, then there's a problem. If the majority of your posts are geared toward sex, there's a problem. If you expect ANYONE to respect or take you seriously while displaying this, then there's a SERIOUS problem. The quote "Only God Can Judge Me" can only take you but so far. What you SHOW is what you BECOME to others! This all comes back to my passion for empowerment. If they knew better from a young child, they'd definitely do better as an adult.

                Sonja and Esco

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