Sounds crazy huh… Well, believe it or not, this was an on-going ‘practice’ for many men back then… (Actually, it’s still happening today in varying degrees). And it wasn’t/isn’t specific to any particular race. Men would spend the week with their wife and kids. They would be fully responsible for their household (at least superficially) from bills to fixing things around the home to teaching little Johnny how to swing a bat. But on the weekends, they would gladly slide on over to their side chick’s house. And sometimes, this side chick would be the mother of his other child or children. YES, Sometimes this dude would have an entire other family. I know people who are all too familiar with this type of set up and I actually have an uncle who is/was “that dude.” To top it all off, the wife knows about the side-chick and the same for the inverse. Now, they’re not cool with each other. And their children don’t play with each other but they each know that the other exists. And the bottom line for allowing this to happen is some good ole Vitamin S.
Like I was saying, I had an interesting talk with a woman recently who said that she actually prefers being a ‘side joint.’ She stated all of her reasons why. She shared experiences in which she had on-going relationships with married men. Sometimes the man’s wife knew about her. Sometimes he didn’t. Sometimes they’d go out-of-town to meet. Sometimes it was right in their own backyards. Blah Blah Blah… As you know, I never judge people, which is why most of the people around me, feel secure enough to share their inner most thoughts and feelings with me. And as much as I have my own thoughts and feelings about this situation, I do understand her logic because it all was supported by her need, want and desire for Vitamin S. She then asked,
“Why do you think that women get turned on when they see a wedding band on a man?“
She then went on to explain that in her mind, most women won’t marry trash. A husband provides(or at least SHOULD provide) valuable assets to a household. These are things that women are programmed to want since we were girls. A wedding band represents that and when women (especially in a world where some of us women only have slim pickings to choose from) see a wedding band on a man, it turns some of us on because it indirectly implies that he can supply that good ole Vitamin S. And S stands for SECURITY. He may not always be there to fix my leaky faucet. He may not be there every night to hold me. He may not be there for me to share my day with him but the fact that I know that he has it in him to supply Vitamin S, even if it’s not 100% in my direction, I’d much rather have that then have the scary uncertainty of one of these jerks who claim to be men but don’t have it all together. And my good people, I have been out on numerous occasions with some of my married homeboys and man oh man, when they see that wedding band, some of these women flock to them like a moth to a flame!
I was shocked to hear her actually say it. I mean, you know that there are people who subscribe to this train of thought and you see it all of the time but to see her lips actually form the syllables and audible lexicon was astounding. And guess what, she is a part of a growing population of women who are absolutely fine with having side-chick syndrome and getting their dose of Vitamin S regardless of whose man it is. Sometimes, in addition to the Vitamin S, there’s money, or status, or career advancement, or just some quality happy horizontal goingz on, with no real commitment and/or attachment. And that’s perfectly fine with them! Moreover, when the ‘main-chicks’ are willing to form an understanding and some form of agreement with their man having side-chicks, it makes the relationship landscape for the future a very interesting one. And I’ll tell you what, with things like this floating around in the media, (of which I co-sign NOTHING) don’t be surprised of a law allowing “Polygamy” (with some form of financial gain for the economy of course) goes into effect down the road."
#Salute Kel Spencer
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