August 1, 2014

NEW MUSIC: Stress Boogie ft Lovel "Queen"

Something we certainly don't get to hear often at all, Stress gives the black woman praises on this 
track with the help of Lovel
"You're Not A Bad Bitch, You're A Good Woman"

July 31, 2014

Face To Face: Adia Gilyard on Paying It Forward

Esco: I've known you for what seems like forever. For those that have no idea who you are, please enlighten them.
   DIA: I am GREAT! Like literally, my journey has been interesting yet I'm still managing to be GREAT! My birth name is Adia Gilyard, however my greatness is more exonerated via KING DIA! I'm a mother of 2 young boys who are my greatest inspirations.  They keep me pushing and wanting MORE FROM LIFE! I would like people to know me as a GIVER! Actually,  a GREAT GIVER!

Esco: What is King Dia's Dishes and it's origin/foundation?
  Dia: KING DIA'S DISHES is my PASSION! I absolutely LOVE to cook! I got into a debate a few months ago about my cooking.  The issue was DIA! YOU DON'T COOK ENOUGH ... OMG that statement alone had me moving furniture in my place, cause I DO COOK and I COOK as much as I can, but being that I haven't married up yet, I'm not a stay at home Mom so I can't cook at every one's beckoning call. So, I was challenged by someone to show the world how great of a cook I am and watch and see how everyone will want more ... Needless to say,  they were RIGHT! ... I did a trial run of King Dia's Dishes on Friday March 7th and people have been wanting MORE EVER SINCE ...

Esco: How long have you been doing King Dia's Dishes?
   Dia: SINCE MARCH 7TH ... but the seed was planted in January

Esco: Where do you see this genius idea in the next five years?
  Dia: Everyone asks me ALMOST EVERY DAY ... WHEN ARE YOU OPENING YOUR RESTAURANT ... I say in about 5 years! I envision my kids in high school, I won't have to be as hands on as I am now with them. I envision it being a BRAND more so than just a restaurant.  Family owned and giving jobs to my young people.

Esco: Now in recent times, I've noticed you feeding the homeless. What was your ah ha moment, what made you want to be that person that help others?
  Dia: My Ah Ha moment came after my 2nd time selling my dishes and I realized I had so much food left over even after my profit was made. My kids and I could only eat so much so I said NOPE WE WILL NEVER THROW FOOD AWAY! So, shortly after my epiphany I noticed my oldest son was being ungrateful and disrespectful and I had to TAKE ACTION! So from my kitchen we made 5 dinners to give to a few homeless guys in my area. It was a life lesson for my son, which actually turned into something greater. It's a routine in my home now to FEED THE LESS FORTUNATE,  my boys are always keeping water and snacks and loose change in my car so we can always give back at all times. It's a habit now! #PayItForward ... So after we fed the homeless that night my son said WHEN ARE WE DOING IT AGAIN!  ... I was like COOL, HE GETS IT! ... So I shared my idea with a few friends they said post it on Facebook to get donations, initially I was hesitant because I didn't want people to think I wanted praise ... I just wanted more help!  BUT GOD, he turned my thoughts into things! So after posting on Facebook we 1st fed 30 people,  last month 100 people ... Say he ain't do that!!!!! ... I cook all the food from my kitchen and we hand deliver, that simple!

Esco: Did you know it is illegal in most cities across America to feed people on the street? However you can create a food bank for them to come to and eat.
  Dia: It's illegal in New Jersey too unless you have a permit **wink***wink***

Esco:  Do you plan on going non profit with what you're doing?
  Dia: People want me too ... honestly, I'm on the fence. I don't want the paperwork involved or people pointing fingers.  I just Wanna keep putting good out, feed my people,  show my kids right from wrong and just do it every month until it gets wack. BUT YOU SEE, GIVING NEVER GETS WACK ... SOOOOO

Esco: I like what you're doing and plan to involve myself with what you're doing whenever I'm in town.

Esco: Is there anything you would like to include that I didn't cover?

Esco: And you are the reason that I decided to revisit the blog world..... thank you for embracing my crazy positive affirmations!!!